Excited about growing up and moving on but sad and nervous to leave my favorite teacher Ms. Scalzo.
Maddie likes her baba ‘hot and cold’
Thermodynamics at three years old
Not piping hot or ten below
Hot and cold’s the way to go
Binky, binky, binky loo
Zoey Goey has one too
Mommy, daddy, Avo know
Hot and cold, binky in tow
Princess, cowgirl, goth like mom?
Daddy dreads the senior prom
Faca, garfu, tu kai kai
How does Avo say bye bye
Phillies, Flyers make her cry
Dora, Boots and Super Y!
Flip flops, crocs and twinkle toes
Pica, frio. . . adioz
World Records
to be continued