Hot and Cold

Maddie likes her baba ‘hot and cold’

Thermodynamics at three years old

Not piping hot or ten below

Hot and cold’s the way to go

Binky, binky, binky loo

Zoey Goey has one too

Mommy, daddy, Avo know

Hot and cold, binky in tow

Princess, cowgirl, goth like mom?

Daddy dreads the senior prom

Faca, garfu, tu kai kai

How does Avo say bye bye

Phillies, Flyers make her cry

Dora, Boots and Super Y!

Flip flops, crocs and twinkle toes

Pica, frio. . . adioz


World Records/Challenges to Consider Breaking

World Records

  1. Jumping on a bed or couch without using hands or feet.
  2. Wearing every article of clothing I own to school.


  1. Pizza Challenge – make pizzas with a smorgasbord of toppings available – the crazier the better. The person that eats the most pizza with the craziest ingredients wins.
  2. Smoothie Challenge – same as above but with Smoothies (or as dad says – smoovies).

to be continued