My favorite things

One of my favorite things is waking up early on weekend mornings and hanging out in Daddy’s office (the home office, not where Daddy goes to work during the week).

It started a couple of years ago when Fobro was still a baby. It was a special place for me and Daddy. I would eat breakfast and Daddy would drink coffee. Usually, I would draw and color pictures. Sometimes I would just watch TV.

The best part of the office is the spin-y chair. I can go really fast on it. Now that Fobro is part of the office club, we spin each other on the chair. This morning he fell off and hit his head on the desk. Daddy said he was OK because Ikea wood is very soft. I got him an ice-pack and ice-pop anyway.

Mother’s Day Weekend (Maddie)

Pink Snow

My family went to New Jersey. We went for a walk through the park. We saw the lake. I did something dangerous.

I said, “I see a fish!” My dad said “It’s a dead fish.”

We walked over the bridge and down another path that was a dead end. We played under a big tree with bright pink flowers. There were so many pink flower petals on the ground, Uncle Marco told us it was pink snow. But it wasn’t. We tried to catch the petals as they fell. Uncle Marco shook the branch and a lot fell – including into his hair.

Daddy put me on his shoulders for some of the trip.

Fo and I took a picture with mommy and Avo for mother’s day. Avo made a yummy chicken, rice and potato lunch. For dessert we had ice pops. I wanted to get purple. The ice pop I thought was purple was really red.

Moms Day 2015 NJ

I gave mommy four presents for mothers day – a card, a drawing of mommy, a flower and another picture I colored. (I will try to scan them and post them here). The picture of the pretty owl said “Mom, this is your special day now let’s say Hip Hip Hooray. Happy Happy Mommy Day!”

I can’t remember the kind of flower I gave to mom. We’ll have to wait until it grows and blooms to find out what it is. (or just ask my teacher).

Happy Mother’s Day to all moms out there. And to my mom and Avo – I love you. I’m sure you love your mom too.

Mother’s Day Weekend

We went to Uncle Marco and Avo’s for a sleepover while my mom and dad went to a wedding.

I had fun. Uncle Marco played baseball with me. I like the Phillies and he likes the Mets but we still get along. He has a nice yard for playing baseball.

It was great to spend Mother’s Day with my mommy and Avo – they are special. They take good care of me and Maddie. It was a great day.

When we got home we waited for the ice cream truck but no luck.

– Fo

p.s. (need to learn how to post this on my page)

Ice Cream Truck Bust

When we were playing we thought we heard the ice cream truck. We waited outside so patiently. We rode our bikes by our self. We rode our bikes with Braden. We jumped on Braden’s trampoline. We played with stomp rockets. And still, no ice cream truck.

Dad offered water ice – but we wanted the real thing. We negotiated for water ice with ice cream truck privileges if it ever showed up. He called that highway robbery but conceded.

Now we go to bed at 8:27 with no ice cream truck ice cream. Boo.

I’m going to take some crazy pictures with the ipad before I go to bed.

maddie and forrest

Welcome to our website. You can meet my brother and other members of my family. I hope you enjoy the words and pictures we will present.

(I need to start typing with more than one finger). If you are friends and family that visit our website – maybe you can participate in the content?

Fo wanted to add “I like Star Wars Rebels!” And, “he said Force,” but I think he is just reacting to a commercial while we eat breakfast.

Bye everyone. Love Maddie and Fo